2024 - Volume 16 [Issue 11]

Original Research Article

Evaluating the Serum Zinc and Testosterone Levels of Carpenters in Enugu Metropolis, South East Nigeria: A Cross-sectional Study

Obianyido Hector Okechukwu, Obianyido Ozioma Ebere, Mbalu Confidence Mmesomachi, Ezekafor Ikenna Chukwunonso, Okwuosa Chukwugozie Nwachukwu

DOI: 10.9734/ajbgmb/2024/v16i11412

Page: 1-9

Microscopic, Micromeritic and Phytochemical Analysis of the Leaves of Pseuderanthemum maculatum (G. Lodd.) I. M. Turner, A Plant with Potential Pharmacognistic Uses

Romanus A. Umoh, Imoh I. Johnny, Nsima A. Andy, Emmanuel R. Idio, Goodnews E. Charles, Anwanabasi E. Udoh, Joy A. Ofon

DOI: 10.9734/ajbgmb/2024/v16i11414

Page: 18-29

Pharmacognostic Standardization and Chemical Study of Euphorbia nutans Lag. Euphorbiaceae

Uwemedimo Francis Umoh, Romanus Asuquo Umoh, Imoh Imeh Johnny, Onojah John Enema, Azibanasamesa D. C. Owoba, Esther James

DOI: 10.9734/ajbgmb/2024/v16i11415

Page: 30-43

Zinc Deficiency and Impact on Lipid Profiles in Malnourished Children in Senegal

Najah Fatou Coly, Basse I, Kane EHI, Ka P A, Thiam S, Samba A, Ndiaye A, Soumah IY, Diedhiou F, Cissé F, Diouf N N, Djité M, Barry N O K, Kandji PM, Gueye PM, Diagne Gueye ND R, Agne F D

DOI: 10.9734/ajbgmb/2024/v16i11416

Page: 44-52

Evaluating the Genetic Landscape of (Plasmodium falciparum) PfKelch13 Gene Polymorphisms in Côte d'Ivoire Following a Decade of Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy

Coulibaly Baba, Aristide Berenger Ako, Serge Brice Assi, Tiacoh N’guessan Landry, Adji Gbessi Aka Eric, Brou Somela Marie Josée, Ehouman Marie Florence, Laeticia Gnamien, Coulibaly M’lanhoro Aristide, Beourou Sylvain, Bassinka Issiaka, Soumahoro Adama, Kadjo Florence, Menard Didier, Tanoh Mea Antoine, Penali Koné, Assanvo Simon-Pierre N’guetta, André Offianan Touré

DOI: 10.9734/ajbgmb/2024/v16i11417

Page: 53-66

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